Showing 1–16 of 20 results
“Berendeevka” in the park to them. 50th anniversary of Soviet power, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Embankment of the Volga River, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Executive committee. Kostroma, 1971
1.00 ₴ -
Fighting Square, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Fire koloncha. Kostroma, 1971
1.00 ₴ -
General Store, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Ipatiev Monastery, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
It States Dramatic Theater. Ostrovsky Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Ivan Susanin Monument, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Monument to Ivan Susanin. Kostroma, 1971
1.00 ₴ -
Monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War Won, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Museum of Fine Arts, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Museum of Wooden Architecture, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Museum of Wooden Architecture. Kostroma, 1971
1.00 ₴ -
Revolution Square, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴ -
Riverport, Kostroma, 1972
1.00 ₴